EDIT: There has been a room change for the event. My lecture will now be taking place in University Hall 1116.
I’m beyond excited to announce my upcoming public lecture as the Seedbox Postdoctoral Fellow. If you are in North Texas and want to hear about the unique challenges of reading for water in literature (as well as why we should bother doing such a thing) we’d love to have you.
Following the lecture and Q&A session, the Seedbox collaborators at UTA–Professor Stacy Alaimo (English), Professor Chris Morris (History), and myself–are heading to the new Cartel Taco Bar (across from Legal Draft Brewing) to analyze the various liquid languages they provide. Join us for interdisciplinary conversation and collegiality, and meet fellow travelers working on environmental issues from across the academy.
If you have any questions, please contact me at Edward.Schaumberg@uta.edu. Looking forward to seeing you all soon!